The Power Of HEX







Are you looking for financial freedom with cryptocurrency?

The cryptocurrency HEX did a 10,000x from 2020 to its all-time high. If you invested $105 at the lowest measured price-point, your investment in HEX turned into 1 million $ in just 614 days.

HEX is the first high-yield Certificate of Deposit build on a Blockchain. It is a finished financial product working without a middleman. Over 300,000 unique users bought HEX already and the number of holders is growing day by day.

THE POWER OF HEX − Financial Freedom with Crypto


THE POWER OF HEX − Financial Freedom with Crypto


HEX Book for Beginners


Paperback Version on Amazon
*tax included
Amazon Kindle Ebook THE POWER OF HEX



Kindle Version on Amazon
*tax included

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  1. THE BOOK: „The Power of HEX – Financial Freedom with Crypto“
    The ultimate 122−pages Guide to understand and buy HEX.
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With your order you receive:

  1. THE BOOK: „The Power of HEX – Financial Freedom with Crypto“ The ultimate 122−pages Guide to understand and buy HEX.
  2. Worldwide Amazon delivery: 1-3 days delivery (USA, GB, Europe) | Buy the E-Book for instant access worldwide!

3. MEMBERSHIP AREA | After buying the book you can register for our Membership area for free and get access to:

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Table of Content

Table of Contents HEX book index

What makes HEX unique?

How to make money with HEX | Step-by-Step-Guide

1 million percent return!

If you invested $10 in HEX at its all-time low in January 2020, those $10 turned into $100,000 till reaching the all-time high.

The HEX contract offers a feature that allows you to generate additional yield on your investment. You can lock (“mine”) all or part of your HEX for a time frame you define yourself. During that time frame you cannot access or sell your HEX without restrictions. However, for your trust and the stabilization (protection) of the HEX price, you are rewarded with a yield in return (mining rewards). Similar to time deposit products, but with higher returns. The average yield payout on HEX mining contracts is currently 38% per year.

Who is this book for?

Beginner and advanced learner:

  • You would like to understand cryptocurrencies and HEX in detail:
    • Blockchains, Bitcoin, Ethereum
    • HEX Smart Contract
    • HEX Inflation
    • HEX Mining and Mining Ladders
    • Start and end Mining Contracts
    • Importance of T-Shares in the HEX eco-system
    • HEX yield for creating a passive income
  • You are looking for the ultimate Guide:
    • Coinbase (Buy Crypto)
    • MetaMask (Create your Wallet)
    • PulseX / Ethhex (Swap for HEX)
    • (HEX Mining)
    • StakerApp


  • You know the HEX Smart Contract and how to unlock HEX full potential in detail.
  • You would like to share your knowledge about HEX in a smart way that is easy to understand for anybody.
  • You are looking for a Marketing-Tool to spread the word with family, friends & business partners so you don’t need to explain everything in detail yourself.
  • make onboarding easy with our always up to date HEX Investment Tutorial incl. Step-by-Step Guide to buy HEX.

Let the Book do the work for you!

Who is this book for?

For whom is this book, too?

Beginner & advanced learner:

  • You would like to understand cryptocurrencies and HEX in detail:
    • Blockchains, Bitcoin, Ethereum
    • HEX Smart Contract
    • HEX Inflation
    • HEX Mining and Mining Ladder
    • Importance of T-Shares in the HEX eco-system
    • HEX Yield for creating a passive income
    • End mining contract and emergency end mining
  • You are looking for the ultimate Guide:
    • Coinbase (Buy Crypto)
    • MetaMask (Create your Wallet)
    • PulseX / Ethhex (Swap for HEX)
    • (HEX Mining)
    • StakerApp


  • You know the HEX Smart Contract and how to unlock HEX full potential in detail.
  • You would like to share your knowledge about HEX in a smart way that is easy to understand for anybody.
  • You are looking for a Marketing-Tool to spread the word with family, friends & business partners so you don’t need to explain everything in detail yourself.
  • make onboarding easy with our always up to date HEX Investment Tutorial incl. Step-by-Step Guide to buy HEX.

Let the Book do the work for you!

Crypto is the future – Start your journey NOW!

Introduction How Crypto is changing the world of finance

Have a look at all book chapters ⇓ HERE ⇓

„THE POWER OF HEX – Financial Freedom with Crypto“ is the ultimate Guide to understand Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and HEX. With its Step-by-Step Tutorial this book makes it easy for you and everyone to invest in HEX.”

Who do you buy a copy for?

Who do you buy a copy for?

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Does the book help with buying HEX on PulseChain and buying HEX on Ethereum?

Yes, the book includes both: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for buying HEX on PulseChain AND a tutorial for buying HEX on Ethereum.

I am from country [XYZ]. Where can I find your book?

We published THE POWER OF HEX on Amazon as Paperback Version and Kindle Version. You can find it in English and German language on / / and most every country worldwide.

If not available as Paperback in your country, you can always buy & download the Kindle Version and read the book on a Kindle or on a PC/Smartphone FREE Kindle-Reader App. This means basically EVERYONE can read the book today.

I want to invest now. Can you help me?

Please leave us a message and we get back to you shortly. Let us know how we can help you or what your question is.

If you have not read the book already, please do so because a lot of questions are answered in our book 🙂

Does the book help with buying HEX on PulseChain and buying HEX on Ethereum?

Yes, the book includes both: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for buying HEX on PulseChain AND a tutorial for buying HEX on Ethereum.

I am from country [XYZ]. Where can I find your book?

We published THE POWER OF HEX on Amazon as Paperback Version and Kindle Version. You can find it in English and German language on / / and most every country worldwide.

If not available as Paperback in your country, you can always buy & download the Kindle Version and read the book on a Kindle or on a PC/Smartphone Kindle-Reader App. This means basically EVERYONE can read the book today.

I want to invest now. Can you help me?

Please leave us a message and we get back to you shortly. Let us know how we can help you or what your question is.

If you have not read the book already, please do so because a lot of questions are answered in our book 🙂